BLOGGER: The Untold Story

Hiya everyone! This is Sharieli Balakrishnan here to, of course, blog. Now I'll ask the question and I'll respond myself - "How are you?" Hope things are goin' good. And..."I'm fine. Thanks for asking" The title sounds so deep and profound. But you ain't getting bored. Today, you'll discover yourself reading a blog about the katzenjammers a blogger encounters; to be precise, the hardships of Sharieli Balakrishnan when blogging.

Finding the Flawless content - This is something that every blogger or even every social media influencer will go through. This is one huge catch-22 situation for me. TFW I'm not able to select one single blogging topic. TFW I have 59 chrome tabs to plump for one single blogging topic. TFW I have to use each and every cell of my cerebrum to cherry-pick one single blogging topic. TFW I am in hot waters with my mother because of the time I spend on my computer choosing one single blogging topic. All this tough grind is for one single dialogue from the readers - “Dank! This blog hits different!”

Writing style - I ought to bring the content to my lewk. It shouldn’t be formal. It shouldn't be mundane. I should pour my vibe into the blog. So vibe check is another must-do.

“Need 26 hrs per day!” - Time’s too short to be the time. IDK how the hour & minute needles in the clock move hell for leather. And balancing my time is another Gordian knot. 

No Traffic - Heartbroken! Devastated! Disappointed! The number of readers is less than the no. of tiles in my classroom (weird comparison). After all of the time I’ve spent and the hard work I’ve done, there’s only a sprinkling of readers. But you know what, to all the readers (who really read my posts), y’all have a heart of rhodium.

Comments I can count with fingers - I can literally count the no. of comments with my fingers. It shatters my expectations. The hours I’ve spent on this don’t pay off. But I’m damn happy as Larry about the commenters; they bring a smile to my lips.

To all the non-commenters - 

I'm beggin', beggin' you

So, put your loving comment out, people

I'm beggin', beggin' you

So, put your loving comment out, people

 But to all these commenters and comments -  

I like me better when I'm with you

I like me better when I'm with you

That's that. But you got more. These are the problems a newborn blogger has.
Obviously, when you get famous as a blogger, your problems decreases. And the
next time you read or ignore any work by any human, hope this post strikes in
your mind. Any bloggers in the room? Share your complication when blogging.

Hope the blog was entertaining. Leave a comment or a suggestion below.
This is Sharieli Balakrishnan signing off.
Th@nk y0u!


  1. Ur blogs legit make my day and i seriously dont know why...

  2. ee, sharieli
    you captured the essence of blogging PERFECTLY!!
    like, soo relatable, especially the comments and viewers one (ahem, hehe)
    and your vocabulary is prodigious, mate!
    well, keep blogging!! ;D

  3. Awesome Sharieli.
    You rock it girl.

  4. Hii demn i just undersood how hard it is.. and i usually don't comment on ur posts but the part abt commenting made me feel like ur way too under appreciated

  5. That's true for every content creator sharieli.
    Amazing way to present it ☺️🀩.
    Keep growing 😍

    Just remember one thing, Content creation is less about perfectionism and more about documentation. I hope that help you.


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