Damn, it's 7 AM!

Hey guys!! Hope y'all doing great as me. And here I am, back with another apology letter for this long absence of mine. Well, the blog's about some really weird topic because, to be honest, I really got no good topic in my hands right now. It's about ALARMS. So let's talk about alarms from my viewpoint...

(Note: This is purely a dumb topic, and I admit that. But pls do continue to read. Thank you!)

As usual, the alarm rings at 7:00 am at dawn. OMG! If truth be told, I can't describe the challenge and frustration of getting out of my soft, cozy bed. It would be like just 1 hour of sleep and... TA-DAA, alarm rings. And one thing sends a chill down my spine-The alarm sound. Anyone remembers the names of the alarm sounds in the iPhone? There are 4 sounds that I get afraid of - Apex, Presto, Waves, and Sci-Fi. Well, I wouldn't say the word 'afraid', but somewhat near it. The instant I hear these, the thing inside my chest begins to beat faster. OH, the horrors it gives! And the solitary reason why I'm scared of these is that they were and are my alarm sounds, which are the foremost cause to wake me up so early from my sweet little bed. I haven't even got frightened while watching the scariest horror movie. It may, no, it SHOULD sound silly. But got to accept the reality.

And I clearly know I don't suffer from phonophobia, the fear of sounds. Cause I have withstood the singing of my classmates. Do you know how hard it is? Anyways, never mind. Have you ever heard anyone saying that he/she loves the sound of his/her alarm clock? Well, I hear your answers.

Hope the blog was entertaining. Pls leave a comment below. And if can, pls share interesting and funny themes to blog about. This is Sharieli Balakrishnan signing off.

Th@nk Y0u!


  1. I just love your style of writing🀍✨

  2. Ooo-la-la!
    Tooo good!
    I don't use alarms, and I never had the plan to, but to tell you the truth my friend - You've warned me enough to never even go a mile close to an alarm!πŸ˜‚πŸ˜πŸ€£
    Your opinion on the alarm sounds were too good too, (except for the fact, that, someone like you didn't set a lullaby as the alarm tone! I know people who do!!!)
    Only one thing though - what did this line mean?
    ~ Cause I have withstood the singing of my classmates. Do you know how hard it is?

    Hmmm, waiting for an explanation!!πŸ€¨πŸ€”
    Anyways, I must say - you wheeled it off!
    Awesome, keep rocking!
    Ur bestie,

  3. Thank you everyone! Your compliments made my day!

  4. Excellent and hilarious update once again Sharieli!! Totally relatable...Even now, I kinda jump a little whenever the song I set for my alarm blares out on TV or something....Yikesss....But seriously, awesome job!!!


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