Ant? Giraffe?

Ayo ladies and gentlemen! This is Sharieli Balakrishnan back with an exciting topic to blog about. But first of all, all doing good? I'll just take that as a yes. Have you ever wanted 2 ft. footwear? Or have you ever wanted the ceiling to go up a little? Yikes, I'll be blogging 'bout Small homo-sapiens and Tall homo-sapiens. So let's start!

Note: (Nowadays, I'm doin' a hella NOTEs) This blog and this blogger does not have any intention to tease anyone based on their heights.

''Hey! How's the weather up there?'' Hearing these words, few people may seem like their blood's boiling; especially people who resemble the tall mammal appearing in Nat Geo Wild. You bend down for doing each and everything - the washbasin is small, your cupboard is small, clothes' sizes are small and of course, other humans are small. Many souls would hate you when you be in concerts, movie theatres, etc. But lemme tell ya' something - Being tall is awesome - you don't need a ladder and you're at lower risk for heart disease. You get a holiday too - International Hug a Tall Person Day! You may think that this freaky green-blue ball is too small for you to fit in. And indeed, you do! You stand out!

''Hey! Can I take a selfie with you? Coz you like one of the dwarfs from the movie Snowhite.'' Don't worry - I can feel you πŸ˜„. You would be the Ant-man/Wasp of your gang. The most common things you do is jumping, wearing heels and reaching for something by standing on your toes. Your ears may leave you for hearing old aunties talk about how to get taller. You transform yourself into an armrest for others. You become a potato when you gain 500 grams of fat also. You'll have neck pain talking to a person taller than you. But here are some happy things, Ant-man/Wasp - You have a lower risk for certain cancers. Shorter people may live longer. You may have a job opportunity at NASA. But you know what, the best things come in short packages! So keep calm, carry on and remember, you're a little bomb!

Hope the blog was entertaining! This is Sharieli Balakrishnan signing off. 
Leave a comment below and share any height-based situation, if you've gone through any.
Th@nk Y0u!


  1. Sharieli, just read it. I must say - really gud! πŸ‘N it's like, you brought the thoughts out of us, and placed it right back in our minds comfortably!! ✨πŸ˜ƒ❣️ Very beautiful!! Wonderful thought, keep blogging, cuz you rly know how to bring a smile on ur readers faces! πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ŠπŸ€©
    By the way - it's Trisha here! 😊

  2. Another great review Sharieli!!! Really enjoyed reading it...Can totally relate, cuz though I'm of average height, my friends all dwarf me, especially one of them is REALLY tall. I'll surely send this to her XD
    Well done, and thank you so much!

  3. I loovee this 1 especially cz I am short n all of my frnds are kinda tall so I really relate to this. Oh and I loved where u used the dwarfs thing. Very funny.overall very nice blog 😁

  4. Grt Job Sharieli! As usual hilariously true and very relatable🀣😜

  5. Amazing! You know, this is damn relatable for me, since I was tall like in 6th grade, but I’m short now πŸ˜‚ I’ve gone through both problems XD
    But your blogging is super-cool as always, with a casualness that no one else can even come near to!
    Keep blogging... Looking forward to your next post <3
    - Sam :)

  6. Haha I am tall , well I know the struggle of people asking how tall r u ??? Or how 's the weather up there ?? Or Do u play basketball , its so annoying......i am actually 5 '7 to be exact.......random people go like dang u r tall *for a girl*

  7. Thank you everyone, for spending time to read my post!

  8. nice blog sharieli, really liked it
    - Kavitha

  9. Mmm... Don't really have anything to say except that no matter how tall or short you are, let your beautiful personality shine through. Everything else is irrelevant :)

  10. Hey Sharieli ,done a great job budy .....It is so true and awesome...keep going ...!!😁😁


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