
Showing posts from April, 2022


G'day, everyone! This is Sharieli Balakrishnan back again to blog. And my sincere apologies for my very prolonged absence (I know this is quite a long time). Hope things are going good there too. The title sounds like sci-fi. But we are totally off track then, if that's what you think. Today, you are going to read about Types Of Parents. Let's get on with it then! Inhumans - This type of parents have given birth to punching sandbags, not babies. And when the sandbags commit an error, usually a petty one, these parents practice for their next boxing match ON the kids. So Sus - These parents would have probably worked as a spy in their past. They often get dubious about every minute thing their kids do. These parents are like - I see my child hearing an audio I see that sussy, my cardio is curious, so I march and go I sigh, he listening to Billy Joel (But wait! Is he really listening though?) Money in their pockets - As the name suggests, these parents buy whatever the kid